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Diversity and Inclusion Policy


The company Harus recognizes and values diversity in all its relationships, not carrying out and/or tolerating any discriminatory and embarrassing expression, attitude or behavior in relationships and the work environment, including the positioning of employees and third parties on the premises and on the company's official social networks. Harus.

We believe in inclusive culture as a fundamental pillar to promote people's positive experience, innovation and a healthy organizational climate, which confirms Harus' ethical stance and makes it even more attractive and competitive. Therefore, we encourage an attitude of respect and appreciation of differences, not allowing situations of discrimination against underrepresented groups due to their gender, sexual orientation, ethnic/racial origin, nationality, cultural background, gender identity and expression, disability, gender age, religion, socioeconomic status, way of thinking, belief, among others.


This policy applies to all Harus employees, interns and young apprentices.
The policy also applies to family members of employees and suppliers during interactions and periods in which they are on company premises.


Define diversity and inclusion guidelines and criteria for processes related to people management at the company Harus at all hierarchical levels, including diversity assumptions for the presence of minority social groups (gender, race/ethnicity, generations) within the company, through the definition, implementation and management of policies, programs and initiatives
Diversity and inclusion, aligned with strategy, organizational culture and valuing each person's contribution, to promote an increasingly inclusive work environment.

Harus encourages its partner companies and suppliers to promote inclusive work environments and relationships, with a focus on valuing diversity and encouraging the implementation of policies and programs aimed at inclusion.
Our customers are a sample of society, so it is essential to remember that people are diverse. The relationship between Harus employees and customers must be established based on mutual respect, without reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices, so that no type of discrimination is tolerated.



We believe in valuing diversity and ensuring respect for individual and human rights, as a factor in attracting, engaging and retaining talent, as well as a way of maintaining a diverse, inclusive work environment and a competitive organization in the market. Therefore, this policy is intended to ensure an inclusive culture, with actions focused on the positive experience of people's working hours: hiring, onboarding, training and career development, external partnerships, internal relationship networks between people, partner companies, suppliers and service providers, which contribute to adding value to the company and the Harus brand.


Harus reiterates its commitment to the application of the ten principles of the Pact, which reinforces the appreciation and respect for human rights, rejects all forms of discrimination, and is committed to promoting and valuing diversity, inclusion and equal treatment in all levels and processes of the company, ensuring a healthy environment with balance between people's professional and personal lives.

The principles are:

  • Protection of human rights;
  • Non-participation in violations of these rights;
  • Support for freedom of association and collective bargaining;
  • Elimination of slave labor;
  • Effective abolition of child labor;
  • End discrimination in employment;
  • Preventive approach to environmental challenges;
  • Promotion of environmental responsibility;
  • Encouraging the dissemination of sustainable technologies;
  • Fight against corruption.

Respect and non-discrimination
All people are treated respectfully and equally based on their professional skills and competencies in all decisions relevant to the employment relationship.

All forms of political, religious, national, ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender and age discrimination, etc. are, therefore, expressly prohibited, as is any form of discrimination against personal and/or cultural characteristics, such as beliefs, sexual orientation, professional activity, union membership and any other form of social discrimination. Harassment and bullying are also not tolerated.

Diversity and equity of opportunities
Valuing diversity is one of Harus' values, and equal treatment and opportunities are guaranteed for all people, throughout the working day at Harus.

The company Harus is committed to establishing policies, processes, programs and initiatives that do not limit access to it by any of the interested parties involved, whether they are leaders, other professional levels, customers, suppliers, service providers and other interested parties. All people at Harus must have the opportunity to learn about the company's people management processes and there must not be any form of restriction, explicit or implicit, regarding country, gender, religion, culture, belief, sexual orientation, presence of disability, professional activity, race, ethnicity, age or any other aspect of diversity, as long as the health and safety of all people in their work environment is ensured.


Based on the above principles, Harus is committed to implementing specific actions to inhibit all forms of discrimination, promote the appreciation of diversity and a culture of inclusion through:

  • Disclosure and formalization of our commitment to the entire company: leadership, other professional levels and stakeholder network;
  • Raising awareness and training of leadership and other professional levels, with the aim of eliminating stereotypes, unconscious biases and discrimination;
  • Diversification of recruitment and selection sources, aiming to attract talents that represent greater cultural and social diversity;
  • Promotion and public presentation of our commitment to constant interaction with customers, suppliers, public bodies, unions and other stakeholders in our value chain;
  • Hiring suppliers that have diverse people in their companies.

In this way, diversity management and a culture of inclusion permeate all of the company's human resources processes:

Work environment: Carrying out campaigns, educational and awareness-raising actions to combat discrimination and eliminate unacceptable behavior.

Recruitment and selection: Review of policy and processes to reduce the incidence of unconscious biases in favor of non-reproduction of stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes, ensuring the presence of diverse profiles of minority groups throughout the selection process, encouraging leadership to evaluate the composition of people of its team, seeking more diversity with each new selection process.

Leadership and people management:

Leadership is essential for building an inclusive organizational culture and an environment of psychological safety for all people. Therefore, it is essential that leadership knows, applies and multiplies this policy, focusing on:

  • Know your own biases and work to minimize them in your daily decisions;
  • Develop active listening and value diverse opinions, regardless of hierarchical relationships;
  • Create an environment of trust and psychological safety for your team;
  • Communicate assertively and inclusively;
  • Hire and develop diverse teams;

Activate the Reporting Channel in situations that involve a violation of the premises of this Policy.

Communication: Continuous use of language and visual elements free from gender markers, sexist, racist, LGBTphobic, ableist, ageist expressions, as well as the use of images with diversity of people in all campaigns, educational actions, training and awareness raising, with the aim of reinforce the appreciation of diversity and act to eliminate unacceptable behaviors, as well as any type of discrimination: sexual orientation, ethnic/racial origin, nationality, cultural background, gender identity and expression, presence of disability, age group, etc.

Training and training: Offering training with accessibility resources and specific content for each hierarchical level, in addition to ensuring equal opportunities in nominating people for training, training and knowledge management actions.

Development and succession: Strengthening specific actions for the advancement of minority groups in leadership positions, commitment to appointing women, black people and people with disabilities in order to evolve with the representation of these audiences in leadership positions.

Continuous monitoring of policies and processes to ensure equal conditions for all people, with no type of differentiation based on factors such as gender, sexual orientation, ethnic/racial origin, nationality, cultural background, gender identity and expression, presence of disability, age group, religion, socioeconomic status, way of thinking, belief, among others.

Harus is committed to continually reinforcing its commitment to the inclusion of all diversities, promoting transversal and specific actions for the groups below, with a focus on strengthening policies and processes that guarantee rights, respect, appreciation and equal opportunities:

Cross-cutting actions: Actions common to the diversity of Gender, Race, LGBTI+ People, People with Disabilities and Generations with a focus on respect, appreciation, inclusion and equity of opportunities.

Gender: Act on gender equity by encouraging the empowerment of women, and with a priority focus on recruitment policies and development and succession management initiatives, promoting more female representation in leadership positions, technology roles and/or mostly male roles .

Sexual orientation and gender identity – LGBTI+: Promote an inclusive work environment, combating LGBTphobia and all forms of discrimination, in order to guarantee equal treatment for all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

Ethnicity and race: Provide knowledge and awareness to combat racism, ensuring equal opportunities for all people, regardless of ethnicity and race, contributing to the increase of the black population in the job market and representation at all hierarchical levels.

Generations: Value generational diversity in an environment of exchange and mutual learning between generations, contributing to the appreciation, qualification and inclusion of young people and more senior people in the job market.

People with disabilities: Promote actions to increase the hiring and presence of people with disabilities at all professional levels. Offer information and awareness about ableism, working to break down cultural and accessibility barriers, in order to guarantee equity of opportunities and a genuinely inclusive work environment.


The Strategic Committee is responsible for deliberating, managing and monitoring diversity and inclusion initiatives, ensuring the dissemination and evolution of the inclusive culture in the company. The Committee is composed of the Board, Management and Leadership that meets quarterly.

Update: June 25, 2022.




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