Brazil is known internationally for the availability of lush beaches, spread out along more than 8,500 kilometers of coastline. What not everyone knows is that the country also has 35 thousand kilometers of navigable rivers and canals, in addition to more than 9,000 kilometers of banks of freshwater reservoirs, lakes and lagoons. Therefore, the national territory has one of the greatest potential in the world for nautical tourism.
According to the Ministry of Tourism, this segment is characterized by contact with water, fresh or salty, and is linked to navigation, water sports and other related activities. Considering only cruises, the 2021/22 season generated R$ 2.241 billion, generating more than 30 thousand jobs.
Unlike other tourism models, boats are not only a means of transport, but also the main attraction, as they usually offer leisure and entertainment during travel.
It is no surprise that boat manufacturers have seen an increase in demand. The segment ended 2021 with an increase of 20% and the forecast is to end this year with growth of 10% to 15%, says Acobar (Brazilian Association of Boat Builders and their Implements).
How it works
Trips can vary from hours, in the case of smaller vessels, or days, in the case of sea cruises. Today, it is possible to rent marine vehicles such as catamarans, speedboats, yachts and sailboats via the app, just as houses are rented via Airbnb. Prices vary and start from R$ 600. The person must have a specific license, but it is also possible to hire an experienced sailor for the tour.
Some cities that are already known for the beauty of their beaches stand out when it comes to nautical tourism – which also includes activities on rafts, ferries and even boards. Fortaleza (CE), Recife (PE), Fernando de Noronha (PE), Ilhabela (SP), João Pessoa (PA), Morro de São Paulo (BA), Ilha Grande (RJ), Ubatuba (SP), Florianópolis (SC ), Natal (RN), Paraty (RJ) and Caraguatatuba (SP) are some of them.
However, other regions far from the coast also offer nautical experiences to tourists, providing moments of relaxation, contemplation and even more radical activities. Examples are navigation through the translucent water rivers of Bonito (MS) and the boat ride through the currents of Iguaçú Falls (PR).
If nautical tourism is in your plans, you need to take some precautions before packing your bags and embarking. The Ministry of Tourism warns that the vessel must be registered with the maritime authority, in addition to being capable of transporting people and offering tourist services as its purpose.
Foreign ships can only operate through charter by Brazilian travel agencies or by foreign shipowners with a company registered in the country.
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